Another beautiful day in Quarantine. I usually have Thursdays off so my head was in lazy mode this morning.
Caught up on my favourite youtube videos before my internet decides to turn into a snail, which didn't take long since the hotel swapped the internet system over to a new connection. I have struggled all day with connections.
Lunch was surprisingly GOOD today. A nice sized smoke chicken Ceaser salad and a slice of chocolate cake. After lunch, I decided to venture out of a dose of vitamin D on the grass. As I am not built for the harsh NZ sun I lasted 15 mins before needing to find some shade. It was very nice, lots of other "quarantine'nees" were out stretching their legs and discovering the beautiful weather that is around at the moment.
What I am noticing is everyone seems to be a lot happier to have a chat with a stranger than I have have seen previously. We have nothing better to do all day, our lives have slowed down and it is actually nice to have a relaxed chat, why does it take a world-wide tragedy to happen for everyone to start just saying hello?
