Things are looking good, there is talk of going home. I am ready to go for sure. As much as I have loved being isolated in a hotel, it has been an experience I am ready to let go of.
The meals have stepped up a bit so that is a plus. I did get a welcomed care package of some savoury snacks.
Keeping up with my exercise I ran this morning and got my daily yoga in. I did not enjoy running in the new daylight saving time, I prefer it to be darker than broad daylight in the mornings but at least it got done. Managing to get alot of work done a welcomed second HIIT workout this evening with a few friends online was a tough, but wonderful way to end the day.
Keeping in touch with people virtually nearly every single day has been great. It doesn't not feel isolating at all. Feels like a prolonged holiday I am ready to leave from.
Hopefully not too much longer! Are they waiting the full 14 days to release us or the 10 day mark?